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PTSA » Hands on Art

Hands on Art

Hands on Art 2023-24 ThemeRUHS PTSA proudly sponsors South Bay Hands on Art at Redondo Union High School

Thanks to your RUHS PTSA Memberships & Sea Hawk Club Donations, we're able to bring 4-to-5 different Hands on Art projects to RUHS students.

Be a RUHS PTSA Hands on Art Volunteer


We're always looking for volunteers interested in helping out — either as a Docent (teaching students & attending lesson training) or a Helper (passes out supplies, assists in clean up and set up, etc) during every project. Lessons are taught during the school day with minimal time commitment Tuesday-Friday


Visit the RUHS PTSA booths at Registration for more info

2023-24 Projects

This year, our docents will be teaching the following five projects to RUHS students.

Gorey's Guest


Gorey's Guest

Docent Workshop:

  • Friday, September 29, 2023

Teaching Dates:

  • Tuesday-Friday, October 24-27, 2023



American Campfire

Docent Workshop:

  • Friday, November 3, 2023

Teaching Dates:

  • Tuesday-Friday, Nov. 14-17, 2023

  • Tuesday-Friday, Nov. 28-Dec.1, 2023

Little Birdie & the Wave


Little Birdie & the Wave

Docent Workshop:

  • Friday, January 12, 2024

Teaching Dates:

  • Monday-Thursday, February 12-15, 2024

  • Tuesday-Friday, February 20-23, 2024

  • CLICK HERE to Volunteer

Larger than Life


Larger than Life

Docent Workshop:

  • Friday, February 9, 2024

Teaching Dates:

  • Tuesday-Friday, April 23-26, 2024

The Incredible Life of P-22


The Incredible Life of P-22

Docent Workshop:

  • Friday, March 15, 2024

Teaching Dates:

  • Monday-Tuesday, April 1 & 2, 2024