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Students » School Policies

School Policies

Dear RUHS Parents and Students,

As a friendly reminder, above you will find the RUHS Academic Honesty Pledge. Students, please keep in mind that we expect our Sea Hawks to demonstrate ethical behavior on a daily basis. In other words, we expect our students to consistently exhibit honesty, integrity, dignity, and fairness. We hope that our students avoid cheating and plagiarism because they understand the difference between right and wrong; not because they are afraid of the potential consequences.

Nevertheless, please be aware that most colleges/universities require notification if a student has been disciplined for academic dishonesty in high school. Furthermore, colleges and universities typically dismiss students who are found to be guilty of academic dishonesty (Please see the attached UCLA “Student Guide to Academic Integrity”, as an example). Finally, unethical behavior in the workplace is not tolerated and, therefore, usually results in dismissal.

One final reminder, the sharing of information, electronically (ex. Google Doc) or in person, for purposes of copying/cheating is considered to be a violation of the Academic Honesty Pledge, as well.

We know the vast majority of our students demonstrate academic honesty every day! We appreciate your efforts to genuinely demonstrate your knowledge and skills at RUHS.


Thank you for your time, attention, and support!

-RUHS Faculty and Staff