New Murals at Alumni Walk

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We are currently working on stocking the RB public library's Pilot collection with my husband and the library director.
There is also a collection in the RB Historical Museum, our archive team is collecting and redistributing the Pilots so the outside collections are as complete as we can make them.
We are working with city staff on that part of the project.
The school library also has a collection which is probably the most complete, but only available when school is in session.
The archive maintains a complete locked collection and two back-up collections. Those are accessible by making an appointment with me via my e-mail [email protected].
The archive, located in the old administration building on Vincent Park, is open to the public the first Wednesday of every month 5-7pm.
Anyone that is looking to donate or purchase any Pilots may write to us at the archive: [email protected] we sell any extra copies beyond those in the collections.
RUHS Spirit Wear
We have a new website for RUHS apparel,
Spirit Wear from PTSA, please see attached Order Form: