High Tide

Our Publication


High Tide is our nationally acclaimed student newspaper, staffed by approximately 60 student journalists and photographers. We distribute a print issue tri-weekly, circulating copies to the student body and local businesses, and our Instagram account, @ruhshightide, posts stories multiple times a week. We also maintain our website, ruhsmedia.com, where our archived issues can be found.


High Tide frequently wins Columbia University’s Crown Awards and the National Scholastic Press Association’s Pacemaker Awards for scholastic excellence. Select students travel once a year to the Journalism Education Association’s High School Journalism Conference, where they attend sessions led by national leaders.


The opinions expressed in the newspaper do not necessarily reflect those of the adviser, Kerri Eastham, school faculty, staff, administration, or district employees. Student editors meet to discuss sensitive stories and ultimately vote on how to best approach the topics. Per California Ed Code, “Pupil editors of official school publications shall be responsible for assigning and editing the news, editorial, and feature content of their publications subject to the limitations of this section.” 


Follow us on Instagram.

Check our website www.ruhsmedia.com
High Tide Advisor:
Ms. Kerri Eastham
[email protected]
(310) 798-8665 x 4164