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School to Career » School-To-Career Program

School-To-Career Program

WorkAbility and TPP, key components of the School-To-Career Program, are a joint effort among middle and high schools in Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach, supportive community agencies and local businesses that can help students make a successful transition from school to the world of work. The program may provide:
  • Career awareness and exploration
  • Pre-employment skills training
  • Employment placement and follow-up for high school students in special education
  • Independent living training
  • Life After High School education options
  • Paid and non-paid work experience
  • Support and guidance from vocational staff
  • since 1983
WorkAbility Mission
The mission of the WorkAbility program is to promote the involvement of key stakeholders including students, families, educators, employers and other agencies in planning and implementing an array of services that will culminate in successful student transition to employment, lifelong learning and quality of life.
WorkAbility @RUHS
The High School WorkAbility program is designed to provide students receiving Special Education services in their secondary education program important and valuable school-to-career activities which will assist them in preparing for a successful transition to work and adult life. The program also may offer:
  • Surveys which help students to explore their interests for future employment
  • Career counseling
  • Help with job placement
  • Pre-employment training and preparation