11th Grade Planning
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No School New Year's Day
No School Winter Break
No School Winter Break
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School Resumes
Paul Jury PSAT Score Review Presentation @5:30pm, RUHS Auditorium
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Junior Parent Presentation Part 1 @6pm, WebEx
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No School Dr. MLK Jr Day
8:30am start Per 1-6 Day
Semester Finals Per 1,2 1pm Dismissal
Semester Finals Per 3,4 1pm Dismissal
Semester Finals Per 5,6 1pm Dismissal
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No School Semester Break
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Winter Formal
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Period 1,3,5 Day
No School School Holiday
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No School Presidents Day
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Junior Parent Presentation Part 2 @6pm, WebEx
Summer 2024 - keep learning & explore your interests!
- If you haven't already created your resume, start thinking about it during the summer. Make a list of your awards/recognitions, community and school service, and work experience. Log in to Naviance. The resume template makes this an easy task.
- If you are applying to a visual or performing arts program, work on your portfolio or audition pieces.
- Visit colleges. Make appointments to have interviews with admissions counselors.
- If you are an athlete planning to continue playing a sport in college, register with the NCAA Eligibility Center www.eligibilitycenter.org.
- Meet with your school counselor. Choose your courses carefully. You want to stretch yourself, academically, but be careful to find balance so that your grades reflect your abilities and academic potential.
- With your family, start to learn about financial aid opportunities. Go to the FAFSA.gov website to learn about the FAFSA. Also, start searching for possible scholarships on FASTWEB.com.
- Learn about colleges. Use Naviance to search for colleges that suit your profile and meet your expectations. Naviance is a fantastic tool to navigate through the 3,000+ colleges and universities across the country. Sign in and search!
- Think about social/cultural preferences and your personal qualities. Do you want to study in a large or small setting? Where would you like to live during your college years? What would you like to study?
- Develop your resume -- which activities will you highlight?
WINTER 2024-2025 - it's time to get very busy!
- Start thinking about your personal statement. In your English class, second semester, you will begin writing your personal statement. Your coursework, grades, test scores, and activities will be listed on your application. So, what additional information, in the form of a "story," would you like the admissions counselor to know about you? Everyone has a story...you have something to say that makes you special - unique. How will you tell your story?
- Sign up to take the SAT and the ACT in the spring. Ms. R and Ms. Bishop recommend that you take the ACT once and the SAT twice, simply because many schools "super score" the SAT. You need two separate scores to super score. Most (if not all) college admissions counselors will advise you to take the SAT/ACT no more than three times. Get it done this year!
- Now that you've signed up for the SAT and/or the ACT, you may want to find help in test prep. Looking over your PSAT results will help you target your areas of improvement. .
- See your school counselor or Ms. R and Ms. Bishop in the Nest if you have any questions. Ask now!
Princeton Review www.princetonreview.com
Kaplan www.kaptest.com
PJ's Test Prep www.pjtestprep.com
Blue Train www.bluetraintutoring.com
Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat
College Board http://sat.collegeboard.org/home
FREE ACT REVIEW: Video Tutorial http://www.mometrix.com/academy/act-test/
SPRING 2025 - Research, visit and test
- By now, you should have a list of 10 - 15 colleges that you have researched; these colleges suit your personal profile and meet your expectations.
- Over the spring break, try to visit a few local campuses. It doesn't take long to know whether or not you feel comfortable. If you can't visit, take a virtual tour; these tours are offered on the website of nearly every college in the country. While you're on the website, find out if there are tours scheduled during the summer months.
- Finish your first personal statement before the school year ends. You'll have at least one more to write during the application season. Essay choices don't usually change, so you may want to look at this year's prompts so that you can begin writing your additional essays during the summer. You'll be glad you did!
- If you're applying to a private college/university, ask two teachers for a letter of recommendation. Give them a copy of your resume and summer contact information. You may be applying "Early Action" or "Early Decision" so always give your teachers a fall deadline. Deadlines are unforgiving!
- How will you spend your summer? Find an internship, job or educational enrichment program that you find interesting. How you spend your time in the summer has become a very important part of the college admissions process. What is your "demonstrated interest?"
Princeton Review www.princetonreview.com
Kaplan www.kaptest.com
PJ's Test Prep www.pjtestprep.com
Blue Train http://bluetraincollegeprep.com/
Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat
College Board http://sat.collegeboard.org/home
FREE ACT REVIEW: Video Tutorial http://www.mometrix.com/academy/act-test/
email: School email address (my.rbusd.org)
password: No password needed. We use Single Sign-on (SSO).
Students Linking their PSAT Results to Khan Academy
How to Link Your College Board + Khan Academy Accounts – This video show students how to link their CB account to their KA account
Understanding Your PSAT/NMSQT Score Report - This video allows the students to see and understand their PSAT/NMSQT scores.
Setting up your College Board account (see attached) – This instruction maybe useful for students who need set-up their CB account before linking to their Khan Academy account.
Khan Academy flyer for students (see attached) – Feel free to print and distribute to your students
Khan Academy Toolkit (see attached) – Feel free to review this toolkit which includes suggestions for sharing important information with students and parents on Khan Academy
Daily Practice App How To (see attached) – Flyer on Scan + Score feature of the Daily Practice App to share with your students and parents