Redondo Union High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Mission Statement
The Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (MCJROTC) program
at Redondo Union High School provides a leadership education course that:
educates informed and responsible citizens, develops leadership and physical fitness,
builds character, emphasizes discipline, teaches respect for authority,
and inspires cadets to pursue higher educational and career choices.
Contact Information
Cadet Command Staff 2024-2025

Cadet Staff Section Officers

MCJROTC Cadet Activities
Standard Weekly Schedule
Mon/Tue - Academics
Wednesdays - Uniform Inspection-Close Order Drill
Thursday - Close Order Drill
Friday - Physical Training
For more information about the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, please visit the website by clicking the following link:
References and Documents
Grading Scale & Homework
MCJROTC utilizes the standard (default) RUHS curve.
Cadets who fall behind in their classwork can come into MCJROTC during snack, lunch, and/or after school to complete assignments.