Academics » El Camino at RUHS

El Camino at RUHS



Students of Redondo Union High School can attend El Camino classes through a program called

Dual Enrollment. When dual enrolled, credits earned count toward both high school graduation

and the accumulation of college credits. A student must be careful to select classes that fulfill their graduation or future college transfer needs, so a school counselor should be consulted.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many college credits will I earn?

Most classes are 3 college units, but it varies depending on the number of hours the class meets. They all count for 5 credits on the high school transcript.


Do I get an extra point on my GPA?

Yes. Students earning a C or higher, receive one extra GPA point as they would for an honors or AP class.


Do El Camino classes show up  on the RUHS transcript?

Yes. After grades are reported to RUHS, they are entered into your record manually and will appear on the RUHS transcript.


Do El Camino classes follow the RUHS calendar?

Classes follow the El Camino calendar. They usually make some adjustments to accommodate our calendar but that is really up to the professor. Start and end dates do not match our semesters.


Do they run just like an RUHS class?

Reading assignments, homework, and tests are all determined by the college professor. They are college classes with somewhat different expectations which are not set by RUHS.


Are the same classes offered every semester?

Each semester, course offerings depend on student interest. If not enough students sign up, then we can’t offer the class. Every once in a while RUHS will survey students about which new classes students prefer.


Do I need to meet prerequisites or take placement tests?

El Camino no longer gives placement tests. Placement is determined by a combination of the grades you have earned in previous courses, AP exam results, and SBAC scores. You must fill out a survey for math and English courses online. There are prerequisites for some classes like computer science, but most of the classes we offer do not have prerequisites.


Do I have to take an AP exam to get credit?

These are college courses that provide college credit based on course requirements. There is not one test like an AP test that must be passed to get credit.