Students » Tutoring



Are you struggling in Physics? Do you need extra help on your homework or studying for your upcoming test? Come on over to the Physics Tutoring Club, starting on 9/21, every Tuesday and Thursday in room 125 to receive personalized, one-on-one help from other Physics students, for free. Sea Hawks, if you are interested in tutoring your peers, earning community service hours, and practicing your own physics abilities, head over to one of our club meetings.



Are you confused during math class? Is there a homework problem that you can't figure out? Do you not understand why you got a bad grade on your test? Head on down to the math tutoring club in room 313 every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch. You will receive personalized, 1-on-1 help from your peers, absolutely free. Our tutors can help you in every math class taught at RUHS on every topic. We can provide you alternate pathways to answers that your teachers don't teach you during class. Sea Hawks, if you want to help your peers improve their math abilities and earn community service hours, you can become a tutor by coming to one of our club meetings. Again, the math tutoring club is meeting every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch in room 313. All students are welcome.



Do you need help with your chemistry homework or preparing for a chemistry exam? Head on down to the Chem tutoring club in room 122 every Tuesday and Friday during lunch starting on 9/17. You will receive personalized, one-on-one help from your peers, absolutely free. All students are welcome.



Biology peer tutoring will be available to all levels starting Tuesday, September 21, in Mrs. Frames' room (room 126), after school from 3:00 to 3:30. We’re also looking for current or former AP Biology students to be tutors, so if you feel confident and are interested in peer tutoring for service hours, please come to Mrs. Frame’s room after school on Tuesday September 21st for the first meeting. If you have any questions, please email Celine Ziedins-McMullen at [email protected].




Please contact your math teacher for a current list. 


If your student does not attend RUHS, you may contact Melissa Guerrero ([email protected]) for a current list. Please be aware that the list is updated yearly.


Thank you.