RUHS Weekly Bulletin 09/27/24 - 10/04/24 MONDAY 9/30: A Schedule, periods 1-6TUESDAY 10/1: B Schedule, periods 0,2,4,6WEDNESDAY 10/2: C Schedule, periods 0,1,3,5THURSDAY 10/03: NO SCHOOLFRIDAY 10/04: NO SCHOOL
RBUSD Financial Planning for College Night Event 2-8-24 FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR COLLEGEPlease join us on Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the RUHS Auditorium for a Financial Planning for College presentation from Kinecta Federal Credit Union and Outreach at USC Financial Aid Office. This event is open to all grade levels and topics will include: saving for college, the basics and types of financial aid, how to apply, and outside scholarship resources. Courtesy of Kinecta, refreshments will be provided starting at 5:30 p.m.. Please see the attached flyer for more information and to register for this exciting event.